
First Paid Commission

Greetings everyone, and happy 2011!

It has been a while since I have posted anything, and for those who are keeping up with me, I apologize!
I recently purchased some art software, as well as a new Wacom tablet for the laptop I bought last year to replace my dying desktop, and I'm back in action!

In fact, I have a treat for all of you, and a very special one at that (for me, at least!)

I'm a bit of a geek, and have been known to frequent IRC chats from time to time, and it just so happened that one night, while expressing my sheer delight at the new Coral Painter 11, and Wacom Intuos4 I had just ordered, a fellow chatter contacted me and requested I do a full back tattoo for him!

The prospect of being right back in the game before I even had the tools was almost too exciting for me! Naturally, I accepted.

A couple days later, my new toys arrived, and I immediately began.

I was asked to design a tattoo based on a Living Dead doll named Rain.
I told him I had some things in mind, and I'd throw together a sketch to see what he thought.
The picture above was the first iteration of what I sent.

He liked the over all feel of it, but was a little concerned with it not filling enough space on his back. Also he wanted her full body in the image. So back to the drawing board I went!

Here we are with the full body rendition of my first drawing. At his request I made her wings longer, and added some little touches like the skull and grass. This was much closer to the image he desired, but prior to my beginning on the refining process, we opted to lose the stylized trees for a much cleaner, simpler design.

This is the finished outline before shading, and what will be sent to the tattoo artist for a transfer. After some tweaking and a few back and forth discussions I finally arrived at a finished product.

And here she is!

The part that makes this piece so special to me, is that it's my first paid tattoo design commission. For me I feel like this is a big step into a hopefully bright and colorful future.
There are many things I still have to learn, but I want to thank "Rain's" commissioner Wes, and all of my other dear friends who have asked me to design for them for honoring me with such a unique opportunity.

You are my billboards, my mascots, and I love you all!
I could not ask for a greater gift.

Finished tattoo photo to be added when available!

Tattoo Design © Sophia Cowan
"Rain" Doll Design © Mezco Toyz, LLC
Commissioned and Paid For by Wes Adkinson