Misc. Tattoo Designs.

Here are a few designs I've done over the years, and as of yet, to my knowledge
have not been applied.

These are a pair of tattoos I designed for a friend of mine,
and her girlfriend.
She wanted a lock and key with as much detail as would fit on the side of her ankle.
I did my best!

This is a piece I did for a guy I used to live with.
He wanted a beast that looked like it was coming out of his arm.
I thought a Cerberus-like motif would suit him.
I think the hardest part about this one was making the three
heads look attached!

I did this one for an acquaintance of mine.
He requested a pair of die with the faces adding up to 7.

Tattoo design © Sophia Cowan

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4 Responses
  1. The lock and key will happen some day. =] Don't worry.

  2. Very nice designs. I would put your copyright notice on all of your posts.

  3. I really like the wolves one. :)